Monday 11 August 2014

Further Dissemination considerations

I know that I have to think very carefully about the reasoning behind the way I choose to display my final work.
There has to be consideration of the effects I am attempting to produce and the message of my work. How can I show that I am drawing attention to negatives but in a beautiful way? How can I show the contrast between seductive, bright images and the hidden menace and abjection within them?
How do I evoke a sense of disgust and perhaps empathy with the issues I am exploring?

I like the idea of the hepatic nature of the silk squares; the fact that the negative objects symbolising "All My Shit' are drawn out of me and onto the smooth surface of the fabric. But they are still part of me and will continue to assert an influence. So the piece of silk which I unfold carefully from its bag, like an object of clothing, then handle and caress, display, then re-package, better represents the relationship with my demons than perhaps the A2 images can? I can take a long look at what upsets me and perhaps see the positive side of them, the beauty and calm I have created by manipulating them, then re-package my 'shit' and put it out of sight. This is a Mindfulness 'Behaviour Therapy' technique called 'Acceptance and Commitment Therapy'
R.Harris (2006) 'Psychotherapy in Australia' (vol: 12. No 4 )

The viewer moving closely between and brushing against the bright symmetrical silk hangings may be delighted by the experience. Then they make their way towards the shelf of containers at the far end of the room. Once they have proceeded into the more enclosed space, read the index cards which explain the significance of each symbol contained in the images and looked at the samples contained in transparent labeled draws they will have a clearer understanding of the subject matter and its influence.

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