Monday 28 July 2014

lightboxes and wallpaper?

Earlier in this blog, I made a lightbox as a possible means of displaying my images.
It was not successful as the individual LED lights showed through the paper and the light was not dispersed enough. Since then I have seen another photographer's work displayed in the Photographers' Gallery which has made me think again.

                                Price 'Saturated' 2014

This artist has made wallpaper from her kaleidoscopic, symmetrical images, then mounted further images in lightboxes over the backdrop of wall pattern. The work in the boxes looks 'finished' and packaged up. That would work with my attempts to subdue and control the negatives in my life: to contain them even further by sealing them into a frame and causing a light to shine through them like on a slide under a microscope.
The printing of images repetitively into wallpaper  creates an overload of pattern, making your head spin with the repetitive design.
Would it be plagaerism if I used the idea of wallpaper with my own designs? In that way, the idea of not being able to escape from 'All my shit' could be expressed. If the room was papered with a repetitive pattern that was overpowering and quite uncomfortable it would give the sense of it being all around me and inescapable. Or would wallpaper diminish the effect and cause the viewer not to examine it in detail, but just see it as a 'background'?

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