Monday 7 October 2013

Photoshop Session

I went to a photoshop session with the photography undergraduates. My skills are very limited and I thought this would be a good way to start learning more. I sat next the visiting lecturer as he gave me a 1-2-1 session. he whizzed through all the 'basic' skills in a matter of minutes, just turning to me to confirm I was following by saying 'Right?' After the fourth or fifth 'Right?' I knew that I had taken NOTHING in. This was not the way I was going to learn Photoshop. I took copious notes, but it was all moving so fast, I didn't really understand any of it!

Later, I tried to follow the dashed off notes and scribbled sketches, but I couldn't.
I have learnt something from this experience, even if it is just how I DON'T learn! I do not have enough basic experience and understanding of Photoshop to be able to pick up new skills so quickly. 
I need to sit down with a patient person talking me through each step as I do it on my laptop. I have to go through this process several times to completely imbed it into my fraying memory! Then I will write myself a fool proof set of easy to follow, step-by step instructions. 

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