Friday 27 September 2013

Practice 2 Exhibition

At the end of the Practice 2 module in September, I put up a small exhibition of my work based on discourses on collecting and collections. I experimented with image transfer onto slabs of stone, making Rayographs with insects and plants.

I also coated a piece of aluminium with  liquid light and exposed a negative onto it.

I like the way the liquid has run down the surface of the metal. I also like the sheen of silver through the negative and where the thin layer of emulsion has flaked off.
The second part of the exhibition was a selection of photographs, some composed from  images of collections taken at museums. The others were composed from images taken in the studio.

I am still working with symmetry and exploring the combination of natural and man made objects like flowers and metal clasps, insects and silver spoons. I am examining what people collect and value.

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