Thursday 26 September 2013

Jared Specimens

I am still researching the themes of:

I found a website offering advice about how to preserve creatures in jars. I didn't know that with fish for example, the formaldehyde is used to kill the creature in the jar, then it is preserved. So I presume you have to watch it die before you continue to bottle and preserve it! Here are some exerts from their website

 'Injecting large specimens: Large fishes above 10 cm,  should preferably be injected with a small amount of 10% formalin after they have expired in the preservative.  This prevents the innards from rotting, a condition which leads to distortion of the specimens'

' Handling: Always make sure that the cap of the collecting bottle is securely screwed. This would ensure that the animals in their death throes do not jump out, and get lost or damaged; Furthermore, struggling fish often splash formalin into the eyes of ‘concerned individuals’.
There seems to be a terrible irony in the phrase 'Concerned Individuals'
They are only concerned that they don't lose the specimen that is  contorting and splashing around as it dies trapped in the bottle of poisonous chemicals. They are concerned that they could splash their eyes with the chemicals they are using to kill something.
They are not concerned about the creature's pain and panic as it tries to escape; or about the moral justification for torturing them, drowning them.
 I have to confess I naively thought that the specimens were found dead before they were sent to scientists who preserved them. Well, really I had not ever considered this aspect in the process of bottling creatures to preserve them.

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