Thursday 26 September 2013


Jarred is a useful word to describe this next phase in my practice.
I have always liked installations and art that lure you in, then give you a shock, a jolt, an unexpected, sometimes unpleasant discovery or realisation.
according to
To jar is to:
 disturb or irritate
to startle, unsettle, shock
to have a harshly unpleasant or perturbing effect on one's nerves or feelings
To have a sudden unsettling effect upon the mind, feelings or senses.

 I do not have an unnatural fascination with death or the macabre, but it seems that I am being drawn in that direction. From my earlier research into the Memento Mori in Dutch paintings to the use of insects, meat and animal parts in my own work I am moving on to the fascination with the contrast between death and beauty. In the Dutch still life, there are little winged or multi legged reminders amidst the flowers that beauty will fade, disease will invade you and you will die. In the 16th century the continuation of that message may have been-so repent and be a good Christian and earn a better, never ending life in heaven. But today the message is more like-so do everything you want, have surgery to look young, you deserve to have experiences and adventures, lots of sex with whoever you choose, a bucket list to tick off,  an expensive lifestyle, watch, holiday, car... Death will still catch you though!

The fascination with the macabre is evident on the internet, with people buying and selling bottled dead creatures that look unusual or frightening.
This is a specimen someone found and bottled. 'Dyno1' describes it as an 'Alien Foetus' and wants $40 for it.(

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