Monday 3 March 2014

Unnatural Nature

I am continuing to experiment with the production of multi- sectioned images that create a dual response of attraction/ repulsion. I am striving to elicit strong emotional reaction of fear or unease.
I created a series of Gothic style images from vines on a sandstone wall previously. I liked the effect the organic shapes created. So I took some more images of tangled roots, grasses and broken branches.

These are the roots of a tree that had been pulled up in a storm. I thought there was something sinister in the shadows and twisted forms.

I have got quite good at recognising images that will work well with the manipulation process I follow using photoshop. I know that this image with the variations of light and colour and the particles of soil clinging to the fragile exposed roots would work well. I like the aspect of being shown what should not normally be seen-the roots that are hidden under the ground. The image gives a sense of disorder and upheaval in the natural state of nature.
Coles Roots I (2014)
There is a Baroque feel to this image with the twisting motif in the centre and the delicate patterns of white fibres and cobwebs. I can see white moths and insects caught in them. However, once again, as with the mould, i do not think there is enough of the abject on close contemplation of this image.

                                                            Coles RootsIV(2014)

Coles Roots V(2014)

 Image Roots IV above  is more successful with its dark central motif and strong contrasts of light. it perhaps gives a sinister and threatening impression. The image directly above,
 Roots V  has bright patches of light  which contrast well with the dark centre that the eye is drawn to. The white tendrills with chalk clinging to them create delicate gothic patterns. But still not Abject enough. So I will return to the plates of rotten meat and work on that theme further!

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