Wednesday 26 March 2014

Poo and Gilbert and George

Still attempting to elicit disgust in my audience, I produced another set of images which included  fake faeces. I added tomato soup to represent blood and included bones, rotten meat and spiders.

I made some symmetrical section images from both dishes.

The main problem with these images as already suggested in the peer feedback, is that they are too pretty. Rather than seeming disgusting, even when the viewer can make out the subject of the details-poo, meat, blood, spiders, they do not shock as much as I would have liked. I think I need to reduce the multiplications and keep them simpler, so the individual objects re easier to see and you are not mesmerised by the overall pattern and symmetry.

These two are more simplified versions, where the pieces of meat and dollops of dog poo are perhaps more obvious?
I made this shoot 'wetter' so it seem more visceral. The obvious toy spiders spoil it I think.

Gilbert and George

I researched the use of human waste in art and it is a common material, often used in some form of protest. Here are two examples from the Gilbert and George series 'Shit and Piss'

Gilbert and George 1983

In this work, the faeces do not offend as they have been sanitised somehow as they are presented in a stylised, symmetrical form.The overall image is 'clean' and sharp and balanced. It is only when you look closer, you realise what you are studying. This seduction/repulsion effect is what I would like to achieve.

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