Monday 23 June 2014

All my Shit!

The subject of my final Major Project seems to be evolving into 'All the Shit in My Life'
I have chosen objects that symbolise hurt, irritation, anxieties I experience and manipulated them into calm symmetry. Perhaps like Louise Bourgeois I am using my art as personal therapy. By controlling my vexations and trapping them forever into conformity in my image, maybe I will gain more control in the real world??? So this image could be called 'My irritants' or 'All My Shit'

The objects in this image are:

Bottle tops, cork wire= Alcohol addiction

Cigarette butts= Nicotine addiction

Glass bead= Loss of loved ones and friendships ( once a string of beads is broken, it is rarely fixed)

Tablets=Mental health issues

snails= My plants being eaten( sounds less important but annoys me every day!)

meat, bones= Mortality and physical decay, pain.

WWII plane broach= Death of my great uncle in his 20s in a Spitfire

Doily= Trying to make everything O.K, Presentable, normal

This image is not as perfect as I would like as when I selected and cut a section to multiply , the two sides were unbalanced. But by repeating the same processes, I will make it perfect in the end. Either that, or I branch off in a new direction.

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