Monday 6 January 2014

Modern Butcher's Stall

The Great Western Buffet

                         Christian van Minnen The Great Western Buffet (2013) Oil on canvas

Van Minnen has produced an interpretation of the original Butcher’s Stall in this piece. In an interview he said that he admires the composition of the Renaissance and Dutch Golden age as evidenced in the original and how it tells a story or deliver meaning. His work is strangely mutated and distorted and causes the viewer to study all the small details in order to grasp the whole meaning. Because his painting style is almost classical in its vibrancy and beautiful detail but the subject matter is so grotesque and ambiguous, a contrast and contradiction is created.
Van Minnen seems to be making a comment on the grotesque abundance of Western consumption:
How we have the luxury of leaving food to rot until it is unrecognisable.
I need to consider if I am making a sufficient statement or raising contemplative questions with my own work.

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